August 21, 2024

Osteopathy for Aging: A Guide to Prevention and Rehabilitation

By Laurie Melrose-DoeringOsteopath & Applied Kinesiologist


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Ageing is an inevitable part of life, accompanied by various physical and psychological changes. As we age, our bodies recover more slowly, and injuries or surgeries can lead to increased fear of movement and falling. This fear often creates a cycle of inactivity and pain, which exacerbates the challenges of aging. However, osteopathy offers a holistic approach to help manage these issues, promoting graceful ageing and providing relief from chronic pain.

Osteopathy, founded by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in the late 1800s, views the body as an interconnected whole and uses manual techniques to restore optimal function. At a time when surgical options were limited and invasive, osteopathy offered a revolutionary alternative known as “bloodless surgery.” Today, osteopathy remains an effective approach to address various aspects of ageing, such as fall risk management, mental health, insomnia, muscle loss, and disease prevention.

Enhancing Stability and Mobility

Falls are a prevalent issue among the elderly, often resulting in serious health consequences. However, they are not an unavoidable aspect of ageing and can be effectively managed through osteopathic care.

  • Increased Fall Risk:A history of falls can increase the likelihood of future falls by two to six times.


  • Consequences of Falls:Falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths in individuals over 65, with a 42% increase in mortality over the past decade.


  • Injury Statistics: About 25% of fall victims sustain moderate to severe injuries, such as bruises, fractures, or traumatic brain injuries, leading to millions of emergency department visits annually.


Osteopathy targets dysfunctions resulting from previous falls or muscle injuries, promoting the body’s return to a rehabilitated state. Osteopathic treatment involves exercises that enhance balance, strength, and gait, which are essential for preventing falls. Techniques such as Muscle Energy Technique are used to increase muscle strength and improve range of motion, enabling patients to actively engage in their recovery process.

Strengthening the gluteus medius, a critical muscle for maintaining balance, helps support a stable stance. Research indicates that comprehensive osteopathic treatment can enhance postural stability in elderly patients. By optimising gait mechanics and improving ankle range of motion, osteopathy enhances walking efficiency and reduces the risk of falls.

Enhancing Exercise Efficacy

Osteopathy complements exercise programs by preparing the body for activity and improving bone health. Exercises like gentle heel strikes stimulate bone production and can increase bone density by 10% in individuals with osteoporosis.

Mental Health

Mind-Body Connection
  • Holistic Philosophy:Osteopathy utilizes a holistic approach, addressing physical health to positively influence mental well-being, and vice versa.


  • Beta Endorphin Production:Osteopathic mobilisation increases beta-endorphin levels, reducing stress and maintaining homeostasis.

Osteopathic techniques, such as diaphragm release, facilitate deep breathing, calming the mind and improving mental health. These methods, combined with prescribed physical exercises, enhance lung function and reduce mental strain. Osteopathic somatic release further promotes body awareness and alleviates headaches.

  • Holistic Philosophy:Osteopathy utilizes a holistic approach, addressing physical health to positively influence mental well-being, and vice versa.


  • Beta Endorphin Production:Osteopathic mobilisation increases beta-endorphin levels, reducing stress and maintaining homeostasis.

Osteopathic techniques, such as diaphragm release, facilitate deep breathing, calming the mind and improving mental health. These methods, combined with prescribed physical exercises, enhance lung function and reduce mental strain. Osteopathic somatic release further promotes body awareness and alleviates headaches.


Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder that worsens with age due to hormonal changes and altered circadian rhythms. Osteopathy offers techniques to address insomnia effectively.

Osteopathic Techniques for Insomnia:
  • Grade IV Mobilisation: A gentle technique that energises or relaxes patients, promoting better sleep.


  • Positional Release Therapy: A non-invasive method that relieves muscle tension, facilitating relaxation and restful sleep.


Cranial osteopathy stimulates the vagus nerve, enhancing relaxation and improving sleep by regulating essential bodily functions such as breathing, heart rate, and digestion.

Loss of Muscle Mass

Sarcopenia, or age-related muscle loss, is a major contributor to disability in older adults. Osteopathy addresses this issue by treating chronic pain and encouraging physical activity
  • Chronic Pain Relief: Osteopathy identifies and treats the root causes of pain, enabling more movement and exercise.


  • Muscle Energy Technique: Enhances muscle strength and range of motion, combating muscle decline.


Osteopathy effectively manages conditions like meniscus injuries, back pain, and frozen shoulder, which contribute to inactivity and muscle loss. By improving biomechanics and reducing pain, osteopathy makes exercise safer and more effective.

Disease Prevention

Ageing increases the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Osteopathy plays a preventive role by addressing irritation and inflammation, which can lead to infection and disease.

Preventative Benefits of Osteopathy:
  • Irritation and Inflammation Reduction:Osteopathy breaks the cycle of irritation leading to inflammation and disease.


  • Improved Circulation:Increases blood flow and stimulates the lymphatic system, enhancing immune function.


Cranial osteopathy addresses issues related to cranial nerves, especially the vagus nerve, improving heart, lung, and digestive health.


Osteopathy offers a comprehensive approach to managing the ageing process, addressing key issues like fall risk, mental health, insomnia, muscle loss, and disease prevention. Its techniques are gentle and effective for all ages, making it an excellent option for both acute and chronic conditions.

By focussing on the holistic treatment of the body and mind, osteopathy helps individuals age gracefully and maintain their quality of life. 

Osteopathic Care at Aston Clinic London

At Aston Clinic London, our osteopaths provide personalised care tailored to the unique needs of each patient. We focus on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of age-related conditions and develop comprehensive treatment plans that can include manual therapy, exercise, and lifestyle modifications.

Our approach aims to enhance stability, mobility, and overall well-being, helping patients achieve a higher quality of life as they age. For individuals experiencing chronic pain, insomnia, or other age-related concerns, our team at Aston Clinic London offers expert care and guidance to support their health journey.

To book an osteopathy session with one of our practitionersclick here. Alternatively, you can contact us at020 8942 3148 to learn how our treatments can benefit you.

Aston Clinic London is a third-generation complementary health clinic located in New Malden, serving Kingston, Norbiton, Wimbledon, Raynes Park, Surbiton, Chessington, Worcester Park, Sutton, Richmond, and other areas of southwest London and Surrey.

By Laurie Melrose-DoeringOsteopath & Applied Kinesiologist
