August 22, 2024

How Acupuncture Offers Relief for Tinnitus: A Holistic Treatment Approach

By Laurie Melrose-DoeringOsteopath & Applied Kinesiologist


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Tinnitus, with its persistent ringing or buzzing in the ears, can be an overwhelming condition, deeply affecting daily life and well-being. While conventional medicine offers some treatment options, they often fall short of providing comprehensive relief. As a result, acupuncture has emerged as a particularly promising solution for those seeking effective alternative therapies.

Rooted in thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is celebrated for its ability to balance the body’s energy, alleviate pain, and reduce stress. Its potential to address tinnitus has gained attention, offering hope where modern treatments have sometimes failed. Many practitioners and patients alike believe that acupuncture can effectively reduce the severity of tinnitus, providing not just physical relief but also a profound sense of calm and improved quality of life.

This article explores how acupuncture works, the specific benefits it may offer to tinnitus sufferers, and the minimal risks involved, advocating for its potential as a valuable treatment option. If you’re seeking a holistic approach to managing tinnitus, acupuncture may be the key to unlocking a quieter, more peaceful life.

The Efficacy of Acupuncture for Tinnitus

The British Tinnitus Association has reviewed various studies exploring the effects of acupuncture on tinnitus and concluded that there is currently insufficient evidence to definitively support its effectiveness. However, it’s important to note that potential benefits of acupuncture for tinnitus have shown promising results in several studies, suggesting positive outcomes for many patients. While ongoing research continues to enhance our understanding, the existing evidence indicates that acupuncture could be a viable and effective treatment option for managing tinnitus symptoms.

How Acupuncture May Help with Tinnitus

Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice, has long been recognised for its ability to relieve stress, reduce pain, and enhance energy levels. It’s also an effective approach for those suffering from tinnitus. Here’s how:

  • Mechanism of Action:Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body, including areas around the ear, to stimulate nerves and improve overall nervous system function. While it is unlikely to fully restore hearing, acupuncture may improve certain types of hearing loss, particularly nerve-related deafness.


  • Indirect Benefits:Chronic pain can trigger stress, which in turn can exacerbate tinnitus. Acupuncture’s calming effects on the nervous system can help reduce stress levels, potentially alleviating tinnitus symptoms. By lowering stress, acupuncture indirectly contributes to tinnitus relief.

The Process of Acupuncture for Tinnitus

  • Qi and Meridians:According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture works by balancing the body’s energy, or Qi, which flows through pathways called meridians. Disruptions in Qi can lead to various health issues, including tinnitus.


  • Needle Placement:During an acupuncture session, thin needles are inserted subcutaneously at specific points on the body. For tinnitus, these points are typically located in and around the ear. A standard session may involve the use of 8 to 12 needles, with treatment often requiring 8 to 10 sessions for noticeable benefits.

Acupuncture Points for Tinnitus

Acupuncture treatment for tinnitus varies depending on the underlying cause, which is often determined by the imbalance in specific organs, such as the kidneys or gallbladder. If the problem originates in the ear, the following points are commonly targeted:

  • Tinggong (SI19):Located in front of the ear, this point is used to treat ear-related issues, including tinnitus, by promoting auditory health.


  • Ermen (TB21):Positioned near the upper ear, Ermen is often targeted to relieve ear pain and tinnitus by enhancing the flow of Qi and blood in the ear area.


  • Shangguan (GB3):Found just above the cheekbone, this point helps alleviate tinnitus by calming the mind and reducing stress.


  • Tinghui (GB2):Located near the ear, Tinghui is commonly used in acupuncture to address ear disorders, including tinnitus, by clearing blockages in the ear canal.


  • Taixi (KI3):Situated on the inner ankle, Taixi is vital for balancing kidney energy, which is linked to ear health in traditional Chinese medicine, thus helping to reduce tinnitus.


  • Yindu (KI19):Positioned on the abdomen, Yindu helps balance kidney and reproductive energy, indirectly supporting ear health and reducing tinnitus symptoms.


  • Fengchi (GB20):Located at the base of the skull, this point is used to relieve headaches and dizziness associated with tinnitus by improving circulation and calming the nervous system.


  • Zhongzhu (SJ3):Found on the back of the hand, Zhongzhu is effective in relieving ear issues, including tinnitus, by promoting the smooth flow of energy throughout the body.


  • Hegu (LI4):Located between the thumb and index finger, Hegu is a powerful point for relieving pain and stress, which can help reduce the intensity of tinnitus.


  • Yanglao (SI6):Situated on the forearm, Yanglao is used to strengthen the connection between the eyes and ears, alleviating symptoms like tinnitus through improved circulation.

Is Acupuncture Right for You?

Acupuncture has been practiced for centuries and is now widely available globally. It holds great promise as an effective treatment for hearing loss and tinnitus, with increasing evidence supporting its potential to provide significant relief.

  • Low Risk:Acupuncture has been practiced for centuries and is now widely available globally. It holds great promise as an effective treatment for hearing loss and tinnitus, with increasing evidence supporting its potential to provide significant relief.


  • Consultation:Before trying acupuncture, it is essential to consult with a hearing health specialist to determine the cause of your hearing loss. Understanding whether your tinnitus is due to a simple issue like earwax buildup or a more complex condition will help your acupuncturist tailor the treatment effectively.

Safety Considerations

When performed correctly by a licensed practitioner, acupuncture carries few risks. However, there are potential complications to be aware of:

  • Proper Technique: A skilled acupuncturist ensures that needles are inserted at the correct depth, minimising the risk of affecting deeper tissues.


  • Mild Side Effects: Some individuals may experience minor side effects such as nausea, dizziness, or tenderness at the acupuncture points. It’s advisable to consult your practitioner if you are pregnant, on blood thinners, or have a pacemaker, to ensure the treatment is appropriate for you.


Benefits of Acupuncture for Tinnitus

Acupuncture, while not universally recognised as a definitive cure for tinnitus, has shown promise in reducing symptom intensity, enhancing quality of life, and making tinnitus more manageable. Many studies suggest that when acupuncture is integrated with healthy lifestyle habits like regular exercise and a balanced diet, the benefits can be even greater. For those whose tinnitus is associated with hypertension, acupuncture may play a supportive role in improving blood circulation, further contributing to relief and overall well-being.

Acupuncture Care for Tinnitus at Aston Clinic London

At Aston Clinic London, our acupuncturists are committed to delivering expert treatments tailored to the individual needs of each patient. We recognise the complexities of tinnitus and collaborate closely with clients to develop personalised treatment plans.

We emphasise addressing both the root causes and symptoms, aiming to restore balance within the body, reduce stress, and alleviate discomfort. Our holistic approach, grounded in a deep understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, ensures that each patient receives the highest standard of care, leading to significant improvements in their quality of life.

To book an acupuncture session with one of our acupuncturists, click here. Alternatively, you can contact us at 020 8942 3148 to learn how our treatments can benefit you.

Aston Clinic London is a third-generation complementary health clinic located in New Malden, serving Kingston, Norbiton, Wimbledon, Raynes Park, Surbiton, Chessington, Worcester Park, Sutton, Richmond, and other areas of southwest London and Surrey.

By Laurie Melrose-DoeringOsteopath & Applied Kinesiologist
