October 17, 2024

How Acupuncture Helps Restore Lost Smell and Taste Functions

By Laurie Melrose-DoeringOsteopath & Applied Kinesiologist


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Losing the ability to smell and taste can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Beyond simply enjoying meals or savouring aromas, these senses play critical roles in detecting dangers, like spoilt food or smoke. When these senses are impaired, it can be both frustrating and concerning, often leading people to seek out solutions that can restore their normal sensory functions.

While medical treatments are available, acupuncture offers a holistic and natural approach for individuals looking to regain their lost senses. It offers a promising approach by focussing on the body’s ability to heal itself through targeted stimulation. Here’s a look at how acupuncture may aid in restoring the senses of smell and taste by addressing underlying causes, such as reducing inflammation, enhancing circulation, and promoting nerve regeneration. 

Common Causes of Loss of Smell and Taste

Loss of smell (anosmia) and taste (ageusia) can stem from a variety of causes, often interconnected. Understanding the underlying reasons is crucial for addressing the issue effectively. Here are some common causes:

  • Infections: Respiratory illnesses like the common cold, flu, and sinus infections can temporarily impair the sense of smell and taste by causing inflammation or congestion in the nasal passages.


  • Nasal blockages: Conditions like nasal polyps or chronic sinusitis may obstruct airflow and reduce the ability to perceive smells and flavours.


  • Nerve or brain damage: Head injuries, neurological conditions, or damage to the olfactory nerve can lead to lasting impairment of these senses.


  • Ageing: It’s normal for all senses to decline as we age, and smell and taste are no exceptions. This can result in reduced sensitivity to smells or certain flavours.


  • Chemical exposures: Smoking, exposure to certain medications, or inhaling toxic chemicals may interfere with olfactory and gustatory functions.


  • Medical treatments: Radiation therapy for head and neck cancers, as well as some medications, can affect these senses.


  • Complication of Long Covid: Persistent loss of smell and taste may occur as a symptom of Long Covid, often due to inflammation or damage to the olfactory system.


In most cases, the sense of smell and taste returns once the underlying issue is resolved. However, some individuals experience prolonged or permanent changes. For these cases, acupuncture may provide a holistic and effective solution.

Osteopathy for Arthritis

Osteopathy offers a holistic approach to managing arthritis, focussing on pain relief, increased mobility, reduced stiffness. It enhances the quality of life for individuals with arthritis through various techniques and personalised guidance, thereby improving overall well-being.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown:

Why Choose Osteopathy for Arthritis?

  • Pain Management and Mobility: Osteopathy helps alleviate pain and improve joint mobility through treatments such as soft-tissue massage, gentle traction, stretching, nerve techniques, joint mobilisation and joint corrections.
  • Exercise and Lifestyle Guidance: Osteopaths provide valuable advice on exercises and lifestyle adjustments to manage symptoms effectively.

Enhancing Circulation

  • Improving Blood Flow: Osteopaths place a lot of importance on improving circulation, which brings oxygen and nutrients to the joints, while reducing inflammation and waste products.

Mobilising the Arthritic Joint

  • Increasing Joint Flexibility: Osteopathic treatments aim to increase the range of motion within pain-free limits, using techniques like joint articulation and soft tissue massage to reduce pain and stiffness.

Types of Smell and Taste Disorders

It’s important to recognise the different ways that smell and taste can be affected. The severity and type of disorder can vary, and the treatment approach should be tailored accordingly.

  • Anosmia: Complete loss of smell.


  • Hyposmia: Reduced ability to detect smells.


  • Ageusia: Complete loss of taste.


  • Hypogeusia: Reduced ability to taste specific flavours like sweet, salty, bitter, or sour.


  • Parosmia: Distorted perception of smells, where pleasant scents may suddenly become offensive.


Each of these conditions has a unique underlying cause, and acupuncture may help address the root of the problem rather than just the symptoms.

How Acupuncture Can Restore Smell and Taste

Acupuncture, a practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is well-known for its ability to improve overall health by restoring balance in the body. When it comes to loss of smell and taste, acupuncture addresses the issue from multiple angles, using the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Here’s how:

  1. Reducing Nasal Inflammation

Nasal inflammation, whether caused by an infection or chronic sinus issues, is a major cause of reduced smell and taste. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce inflammation by promoting circulation and relieving congestion in the nasal passages. Specific acupuncture points can help reduce swelling and allow for better airflow through the nose, improving the ability to detect smells.

  1. Stimulating Nerve Function

For those who have lost their sense of smell or taste due to nerve damage, acupuncture may be able to help restore function by stimulating the nervous system. Scalp and auricular (ear) acupuncture are particularly effective in this regard. These methods are believed to directly stimulate the brain and sense organs, helping to regenerate and repair the olfactory and gustatory nerves.

  1. Balancing the Body’s Organ Systems

In TCM, each sense organ is associated with a specific internal organ system. The nose, for example, is linked to the Lung system, while the tongue is connected to the Heart. Imbalances in these organ systems can manifest as sensory disturbances. Acupuncture seeks to restore harmony within the body, supporting the optimal function of each organ system, which in turn helps to restore lost senses.

Furthermore, different tastes are also associated with specific organs. For example:

  • Sweet flavours are linked to the Spleen.


  • Salty flavours correspond to the Kidneys.


  • Sour flavours are connected to the Liver.


  • Bitter flavours relate to the Heart.


By addressing imbalances in these systems, acupuncture can help improve not just the ability to detect certain tastes, but the overall health of the sensory system.

  1. Boosting the Immune System

A strong immune system is essential for recovering and maintaining health, especially after illness or injury. Acupuncture helps boost immunity by promoting the body’s natural healing response, improving circulation, and reducing stress. By keeping the immune system in optimal condition, acupuncture can help prevent future infections or complications that might further impair smell or taste.

What to Expect from Acupuncture Treatment for Loss of Smell and Taste

If you’ve lost your sense of smell or taste, acupuncture could offer a pathway to recovery. At a typical acupuncture session, the practitioner will begin by assessing your overall health and identifying any imbalances that may be contributing to the issue.

Acupuncture treatments are cumulative, meaning the effects build over time. It’s generally recommended to follow a course of treatments over several weeks, with noticeable improvement often occurring after a few sessions. In addition to acupuncture, your practitioner may also provide lifestyle and dietary recommendations to support recovery and enhance the effects of treatment.

Can Acupuncture Restore Smell and Taste Permanently?

The success of acupuncture in restoring smell and taste depends on the cause and severity of the condition. For those experiencing temporary loss due to infection or inflammation, acupuncture can provide significant improvement or complete recovery. In cases of nerve damage or more chronic conditions, acupuncture may still help by promoting healing and reducing symptoms over time.

Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Sensory Recovery

Loss of smell and taste can affect your quality of life, making even the simplest daily activities more difficult or less enjoyable. While conventional treatments are available, acupuncture offers a natural, holistic approach to restoring these essential senses by addressing the root causes, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and supporting the body’s overall health.

If you’re struggling with sensory loss, consider speaking with a qualified acupuncturist to develop a personalised treatment plan aimed at helping you regain your sense of smell and taste.

Acupuncture Treatment at Aston Clinic London

At Aston Clinic London, our acupuncturists are dedicated to providing personalised, holistic care to help restore your sense of smell and taste. We take a comprehensive approach to each individual’s health, focussing not only on symptom relief but also on addressing the underlying causes of sensory loss. Using a combination of whole-body acupuncture, scalp, and auricular techniques, our practitioners work to stimulate nerve regeneration, reduce inflammation, and promote balance in the body’s organ systems.


Whether your sensory impairment is recent or long-term, we are committed to helping you achieve optimal recovery in a safe and supportive environment.


To book a session with one of our acupuncturists, click here. Alternatively, you can contact us at 020 8942 3148 to learn how our treatments can benefit you.


Aston Clinic London is a third-generation complementary health clinic located in New Malden, serving Kingston, Norbiton, Wimbledon, Raynes Park, Surbiton, Chessington, Worcester Park, Sutton, Richmond, and other areas of southwest London and Surrey.

By Laurie Melrose-DoeringOsteopath & Applied Kinesiologist
