Osteopathy and its Royal Connections

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post It seemed the whole country paused in respect and reflection at the occasion of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral. And none more so than those in the UK’s osteopathy community, which has benefitted from various patronages and links over the years. Royal Patrons […]
Can Osteopathy Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common peripheral nerve entrapment in the body, with as many as 3 in 10 women affected at some point during their lifetime. Its debilitating nature is due to the many associated symptoms, ranging from persistent […]
Can Osteopathy Help Carpal Instability?

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Carpal instability is due to disruption of the ligamentous support of the carpal bones and radius. Because carpals belong to one of the most complicated regions of musculoskeletal anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment is very fine-tuned. As a result, many patients with carpal […]
Can Osteopathy help wrist sprain?

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post In a wrist sprain, the ligaments around the wrist are stretched or torn. As is the case with all ligament injuries, the severity is graded from I-III. Osteopathy possesses a number of techniques that are very effective in the treatment of wrist […]
How Osteopathy Heals Rotator Cuff Shoulder Injuries

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Dealing with a rotator cuff injury can be daunting, but with the right approach and support, full recovery is attainable. Ensuring sufficient rest is crucial when managing rotator cuff injuries; thus, taking breaks from activities that may worsen the condition is essential. […]
Osteopathic Approach to Managing Respiratory Problems

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Breathing is a fundamental physiological process that sustains life by facilitating the exchange of gases between the body and the environment. Through inhalation, oxygen is drawn into the lungs, where it diffuses into the bloodstream and is transported to tissues and organs. […]
Osteopathy for Seniors: Enhancing Mobility and Reducing Pain

As we age, our bodies inevitably undergo changes that can lead to decreased mobility and increased discomfort.
Understanding Tennis Elbow and the Role of Osteopathy in its Treatment

Tennis elbow, a common musculoskeletal condition, affects not just athletes but individuals engaged in various repetitive activities.
Comprehensive Guide to Managing Chronic Back Pain Without Surgery

Chronic back pain, defined as pain persisting for three months or longer, can be a significant burden, often bringing fleeting relief followed by frustrating recurrences.
Osteopathy for Aging: A Guide to Prevention and Rehabilitation

Ageing is an inevitable part of life, accompanied by various physical and psychological changes. As we age, our bodies recover more slowly, and injuries or surgeries can lead to increased fear of movement and falling.