What happens when an osteopath cracks my back?

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Osteopaths and chiropractors are famed for using spinal manipulations – commonly referred to as ‘back cracking or clicking’ or ‘spine popping’. So, have you ever wondered why on earth, osteopaths and chiropractors crack backs? Why using a foam roller cracks your back, […]
What makes Osteopathy different?

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Before highlighting what makes Osteopathy different, this article will give a brief introduction to Osteopathy. What is osteopathy? Osteopathy is a safe and effective approach that aims to promote the health of patients through the use of hands-on treatment, exercise, and health […]
Osteopathy – A Brief Discussion of its Principles and Practice

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Stumbling into the writings of a famous Osteopath in New Malden I recently sifted through some old archives replete with books on osteopathy, applied kinesiology, and herbal medicine that are kept at the clinic in New Malden. Some of these books have […]
Osteopathy: models & concepts – by an Osteopath

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post In osteopathy, there are probably as many notions of osteopathy as there are osteopaths. No two osteopaths will provide the exact same treatment. This is because the ways in which an osteopath can approach a treatment are so numerous. Because osteopathy […]
Osteopath vs Physiotherapist – what is the difference?

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post What is the difference between an osteopath and a physiotherapist? This is perhaps one of the questions osteopaths should be most prepared to answer. After all, a large chunk of our patients want to know. Read on to explore some similarities and […]
Osteopath vs Chiropractor – what is the difference?

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Leading on from my blog contrasting osteopaths and physiotherapists, this article briefly compares osteopaths and chiropractors. Although there is sometimes a friendly rivalry between osteopaths and chiropractors, the truth is that the two are extremely similar. Osteopath vs Chiropractor education The curriculum […]
Poor posture and its effects

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post In this blog post, I will explain the impact of poor posture on the different models, or lenses, through which osteopaths view the individual. These models were discussed in a previous blog post and are as follows:biomechanical, circulatory-respiratory, neurological, psychosocial, metabolic-energetic. So, […]
The importance of good posture (plus videos)

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post We always hear about the importance of good posture. And with good reason, as posture has an effect on many aspects of the body. Poor posture and body language As most of us know, poor posture can predispose us to neck pain, […]
Can Osteopathy Help My Lower Back Pain?

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Lower back pain is very common – it is estimated that up to 80% of us will develop lower back pain at some point in our lives. Things such as sitting for long periods of time or bending over to lift heavy […]
Can Osteopathy Help Plantar Fasciitis?

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Plantar fasciitis is on the rise. If you have heel pain – perhaps you have been wearing slippers or flip-flops, or training for a Marathon – it is likely to be plantar fasciitis. Sometimes, you may be able to ease the heel […]