How an alkaline diet can improve your health

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post The modern diet, laden with processed foods, sugars, and additives, has been linked to numerous health issues, including type 2 diabetes (T2D). Shifting to an alkaline diet can not only help prevent but also reverse T2D and significantly enhance overall health.   […]

How Osteopathy Can Relieve Your Neck Pain

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders among adults, resulting from various causes such as trauma, poor posture, or repetitive strain. Here, we explore how osteopathy can relieve neck pain and present a few osteopathic exercises to help you […]

Osteopathy’s Role in Managing Degenerative Disc Disease

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) is a condition characterised by the gradual deterioration of the spinal discs, which are the soft, compressible discs that separate the interlocking bones (vertebrae) of the spine. Although DDD is often referred to as a “disease,” it is […]

How Acupuncture Helps Restore Lost Smell and Taste Functions

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Losing the ability to smell and taste can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Beyond simply enjoying meals or savouring aromas, these senses play critical roles in detecting dangers, like spoilt food or smoke. When these senses are impaired, […]

How Osteopathy Helps Relieve Rib Pain and Improve Mobility

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Rib pain is a common yet often misunderstood source of discomfort, frequently mistaken for neck, back, or shoulder issues, or even a heart attack. Many individuals experience sharp or stabbing sensations when turning their neck, taking deep breaths, or moving their upper […]

Say Goodbye to Antihistamines: How Acupuncture Can Naturally Relieve Hay Fever

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Hay fever, a condition that affects millions of people annually, can turn the beautiful arrival of spring into a season of discomfort and frustration. The familiar symptoms of sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, and nasal congestion can make daily life challenging, especially […]

5 Safe and Simple Herbal Remedies for Children’s Wellness

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Herbal medicine offers a gentle yet effective way to support children’s health, especially when addressing common ailments like colds, digestive issues, and skin irritations. While many herbs can be too potent for younger individuals, certain herbs are mild and very safe. These […]

Powerful Herbs and Lifestyle Changes to Naturally Increase Testosterone

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Can You Boost Testosterone Naturally? Low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism, is a condition that affects both men and women, although it is more commonly discussed in men. As men age, testosterone levels gradually decline, leading to symptoms like reduced energy, loss of […]

How Osteopathy Treats Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for Lasting Relief

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Do you frequently experience tingling, numbness, or discomfort in your hands? These symptoms may point to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), a condition that can severely affect your daily life if left untreated. CTS is characterised by the compression of the median nerve, […]

Is sitting the new smoking?

HEALTH ADVICE By Laurie Melrose-Doering, Osteopath & Applied Kinesiologist TOPICS IN THE POST Recent Post Is sitting the new smoking? This is a question many health experts, including osteopaths, have asked. It is a pertinent question because many people have desk-based jobs, and we are able to do more things on the internet, such as online shopping. […]